Friday, 9 March 2012

Reading #fridayreads #amreading #amwriting #100daysofwriting

Curled up
With a book
Lost in a world
But oh so real
Living a life
That isn't mine
In a place
I'll never go
Enjoying things I
Wouldn't want
To do
Spending time with people
No different to me and you
They eat and sleep
Laugh and weep
Sharing everything
they feel
And that with which
they have to deal
But for one thing:
They aren't real
Physical world left behind
I move to one wholly from
A clever writer's mind
Relax, enjoy
Read and play
What do you see
When you look?
But me
curled up
With a book?
It's more than that
I have to say
One of
The most
Parts of
My day

♥ Emma

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