Today is Day 50 of 100 days of writing.
Halfway there.
If this challenge was a roller coaster we'd be just at the beginning of the downward drop. Not quite there yet but on the small level bit knowing its coming just not quite sure when.
I've said before and I'll say it again I'm sure but the way I've been getting on with this challenge is massive for me. It really is a huge achievement, showing that I'm leaving my depression behind. Probably not completely, I doubt that'll ever happen, but in a very noticeable way.
I've written a poem all about achievements to celebrate all I've done. I don't think I do that often enough.
Always striving to reach a goal
Chasing a dream, a distant wish
Hoping it's not unrealistic
It may seem impossible
Even so don't stop
Voices may say you won't be able to cope
Eventually you'll prove them wrong
Many times it will seem too hard
Enough energetic encouragement will see you through
Never mind if others aren't encouraging
Tell yourself to keep trying, that you can
Success is surprisingly sudden, relish it but don't stop.
♥ Emma
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