Wednesday, 7 March 2012

101 in 1001 version 3 Item 6...

Get a new powerchair

...has been completed

Ok ok this has been completed for two weeks but I forgot it was on the list! I was just looking at the list for something else and noticed it.

Obviously I've already blogged about the chair and how great it is. I have more to write about it as well. The comments people make are one thing and a few things I've noticed, that sort of thing.

Talking about the 101 in 1001 project this time round I should probably admit that it's not been something I've been paying too much attention too. I really do need to change that. It's been a project I've been doing since 2006 I think and I do get a lot out of it. I've tried things, given up others and been places I might not otherwise have been. So I don't want to give it up.

My new powerchair

Trying out the seat riser

And playing with the tilt in space

♥ Emma

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