Wednesday 10 August 2011

Baby Be Mine by Paige Toon

Simon and Schuester sent me a copy of Baby Be Mine by Paige Toon to review.  Many thanks for that, I really enjoyed it!

Here's what Amazon have to say about the book (text is similar if not the same as the back cover blurb)

'He's not mine, is he?' That's the question I fear the most. You see, I have a secret. My son is not fathered by my boyfriend, but by one of the most famous rock stars that ever lived. And he doesn't even know it. One-time celebrity personal assistant to wild boy of rock Johnny Jefferson, Meg Stiles is now settled and living in the south of France with her doting boyfriend Christian and their son Barney. But they're living a lie - a lie that will turn their lives upside down and inside out - because as Barney reaches his first birthday, Meg can no longer deny that her son is growing to look more and more like his rock star father every day, and less and less like Christian, and sooner or later, the world is going to realise ...

This is a great book, pure unadulterated chicklit. I read it pretty much in one afternoon whilst sat in the garden and it was very enjoyable!

It's the sequel to one of Paige Toon's earlier books but you don't need to have read it to read and enjoy this book. In fact I didn't realise until I got to the end of the book that it was a sequel. That said I would like to read the first one simply because I've not read any of her other books and she's definitely someone I'd like to read more by as she is a good writer with brilliant books if this is anything to go by.

The characters were believable and the plot didn't feel contrived at all. They all came across as down to earth and could be people you know - even Johnny the rock star father of Barney once you got past all the drugs and famous girlfriend and all that.

If you want a really gripping meaty book that you have to work at this isn't it but if you're looking for something fun, enjoyable, believeable and relaxing this is definitely it. It has all of that and it keeps you reading whilst making you wonder what you would do if you'd been in Meg's situation. A perfect holiday read and I definitely recommend it.

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