Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Updatey Updateness on the Powerchair Armageddon Situation.

I heard from the wheelchair engineers first thing this morning.  They've made some adjustments my chair and got it working again by bending some frayed wires and reconnecting them (I think) but asked if I wanted the piece properly replacing.  Baring in mind that they said "it could last a week or it could last six months" and the replacement part is much less than anticipated (as its a different part to the worst case scenario part they thought and told me about) I told them to go ahead and replace it.  They've also managed to get the freewheel working again - it was just disconnected or had worked I think although how the hell that happened I don't know.  Possibly it was with all the getting lumped around on freewheel on and off of a ridiculously high taxi that only had a ramp and no tail lift.  And they are going to replace my tyres.

It's much less than I'd anticipated but it's still going to be several hundred pounds.  Before any parts have come or been fitted my bill is already over £100.  As the guy said on Monday when he picked it up - it's much less than a new chair.  Add in the fact I had new batteries about six weeks ago and it's likely I'll end up having spent the better part of a grand on that chair this year.  Thank God for DLA! But even that doesn't go far... the work that's been done already is more than a weeks worth of my DLA.

Unfortunately wheelchair parts aren't like car ones where you order them in the morning and get them in the afternoon.  These parts will take a few days to come at minimum, possibly even a week or more.  It depends if the manufacturer has them in stock and I forgot to ask!

Naidex is in a few weeks.  I'm going for two days with several people I "know" through twitter etc and I'm hoping to see a uni friend too.  This year was going to be all about being one of the "normal" there and meeting some friends and giving some hugs.  But my mum is now heavily suggesting that I go play with some powerchairs too... and I must say that is a very tempting idea.

Watch Out Birmingham! The Crips are coming! And this one intends to try ever single powerchair she can.  Don't say I didn't warn you...

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