Saturday 2 January 2010

Personal Atlantic

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”.

~ Mark Twain ~

In Septermber 2007, Geoff Holt sailed a Challenger Trimaran around the cost of the UK, solo with just a ground crew for support. I didn’t follow his journey because I only heard of it in passing towards the end. But a Challenger is what I sail and so the idea really interested me.

I was then lucky enough to hear Geoff speak about his trip and meet him briefly at the Oxford regatta that (for me at least) pretty much wasn't last May. He signed a copy of his book, Walking on Water for me - it says "Emma - no excuses, Geoff. Farmoor 09" (Farmoor is the name of the reservoir I sail at).

Last month Geoff set off to become the first Quadraplegic yachtsman to cross the Atlantic unassisted in the sailing. I've been following his journey via his blog and it's very interesting, especially the video blogs. His carer for the voyage, Susana, is also blogging and her take is interesting to read too.


Sunny Dreamer said...

What a cool adventure! I also like the new look!

Erin said...

I enjoy reading your blog and am currently writing a book with a friend who is also in a wheelchair, like me. I'm enjoying it! Great to see other writers in a similar situation to me.


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