Monday 27 October 2008

The Vagina Monologues

Yes, I've come back to The Vagina Monologues again.  I got the book today.  Haven't had a proper read of it yet but have had a good flick through it and it's very good.

 Several of the bits are in the show but it is good to be able to revisit them in text form.  Particularly the "My Vagina is My Village" one.  Hugely hugely powerful piece of writing that and seeing it performed was very emotional.  So it was good to be able to read it because that took some of the emotional aspect out and I was actually able to take on board the content properly.  At least one woman at the show last week went out in tears at that part (it's about a rape victim during the Bosnian war).

There are also some bits which aren't in the show.  And that's really great because to me the show was too short and I really was left wanting more! Oh yeah, baby.

I find it very interesting how hard some people find it to talk about these sorts of things - I get a little embarrassed but not really and seeing the show has kicked that out of me.  But I've been talking to a lot of my friends about seeing it and what I thought of it.  And I knew it could/would make people uncomfortable but what I didn't predict was how much so.  What particularly surprised me was one friend being so uncomfortable and telling me to stop using "that word" (vagina) - totally not something I would have anticipated from that person.  I do suppose however that it;s a sign of a good friendship when you can suprise each other and react and stuff like that.

I'm gonna go offline in a minute and curl up on the sofa and read the book properly.  It's not that long so I plan to go through in one go.  But I am tired so we shall have to see.

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