Sunday, 31 August 2008

Creative Writing Course?

We have a new arts centre here that just openned this weekend.  And I went up there today on a reccy.  I only went round the downstairs but it looks great.

They have a gallery space and currently it has an exhibition that I don't think I caught the name of but basically it's a "making of..." thing and shows drawings of the plans from the first to the last stage, photos of the site at different stages and some models of how they envisioned things would be, attempts at trying things out etc.  It was very interesting to look at.  The next exhibition planned is an Urban Art one and that really appeals too.  I think the exhibitions will be free so that will more than likely mean I become a bit more cultured.

Also they are going to do some courses - creative ones, dance ones and crafty ones.  I am half signed up for the creative writing one :-)  I'm very excited about it and hoping that more people sign up because I was the first person to enquire about the possibility of joining.  They are also going to do a book group and I think I will join that too.  But the creative writing excites me more.

Finally, this is the best bit.  I was going through the listings on my favourite comedian's website looking for gigs in either Reading or Oxford.  Couldn't find either but to my surprise I did find that he is coming HERE to our brand new arts centre.  And Mum said she would come with.  Booking tickets for that is my job for tomorrow.

I think having the new arts centre here is going to be a very good thing.


Christamae said...

Cool news about the art center. I hope you get into that class!

Wheelyfast aka Karen said...

Cool! enjoy the class and the show!

Shiloh said...

I took a creative writing course in high school. Iit was fun, because the teacher was fun and cool. You'll have to let me know what you do, and how it goes.

Emma said...

I do think it will be good but how good depends on the group we get together and the tutor and synergy between the two. I'm looking forward to it.


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