Sunday 1 June 2008


Sam and I went walking again earlier this evening. We walked a route of 3.2 miles or slightly more than the 5K we will be doing next Sunday which is the equivalent of 3.11 miles. It took us an hour and three quarters and we both agreed that we could have managed it slightly faster. And I wheeled myself to meet her and home again after (half a mile each way). I couldn't do the whole thing again today if I had to but I could definitely have done some more.

Yes, I wheeled myself a grand total of 4.2 miles today!!!

I'm really looking forward to this whole Race for Life now. But part of me is a little sad to think that this time next Sunday it will all be over.

The biggest part of me, however, is just beyond pleased to know that my "impossible dream" as I thought of it back when I signed up is actually possible. And that, all being well, it will be a reality.

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