Monday 15 October 2007

I come bearing gifts...

...of milk!

I decided to do a spot of online food shopping and arranged a delivery from Tesco for this afternoon.  They were here even before my delivery slot started so they get lots of brownie points for that.

They brought everything I ordered with two exceptions which they told me about.

And they brought me an unexpected "present" too...

12 pints of skimmed milk.

I didn't order any milk.

They didn't charge me for it.

If I had ordered milk I would have ordered 2 pints of semi skimmed.

but no, it's just there... 12 pints of skimmed milk.

No rhyme, no reason... just milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk, milk!


sophinda said...

ooh calcium get drinking x

Jacqui's Mum in Aus said...

Hi Emma,
They say milk does wonders for making your skin feel soft, so maybe you could try bathing in it. :)


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