Friday 5 October 2007

Another one off the list

Well, I suck at not using the computer. I didn't use it at all yesterday but here I am today. I was attempting to tick "Go at least 72 hours without using a computer" off of my list. but it looks as though another attempt will be needed for that. I am getting a lot better at spending long periods of time away from the computer though. And benefiting from that.

However, I can tick another thing off of my list - I had a massage today. Shoulders, neck and upper back (I was in my chair) and it was lovely. I will be repeating that experience at some point, I can tell you that. It was 15 minutes and I don't actually know how long she did it for but it didn't go anywhere near as quick as I anticipated and it was more detailed and intense then I thought it would be. I loved it.

And with about 14 months of days of the 1001 days  left, I have completed 29 things off of my list.

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