Saturday, 2 June 2007

Random thoughts on health and life

Lots of sleep last night; 12 hours. Possibly slightly too much because I still feel somewhat lethargic but equally no real aches and pains this morning and a bit happier. So I don't know really.

It's the second of June and I haven't missed any medication this year! Well, technically I missed one dose of my antibiotics because I dropped it on the floor and couldn't reach it BUT I've not missed any of my regular meds.

I haven't had any extra treats or some such on my diet since Tuesday. Yay! And I've been a for a few long walks in my manual chair this week. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy that. But I'd also forgotten how much Atrixo I use afterwards and how nice that feels. I love the smell of Atrixo.

I go on holiday two weeks today! Feel kind of sick at that prospect but I'm also looking forward to it. More on that later, probably.

I feel like for the most part I'm being a lot healthier than usual this year and am pushing my boundaries more. Discovering who I am more too. I like it but it's not always easy.


sophinda said...

yay well done em keep up the good work im so proud of u. xxx

Shiloh said...

K, it's done. You're off the list.


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