Saturday, 7 April 2007

More Quotes

"If we could first learn where we are
and where we are going,
we would be better able
to judge what to do and how to do it."
~Abraham Lincoln

If we don't change our direction,
we'll wind up where we are headed.
~Chinese expression

When you educate a boy,
you educate an individual,
but when you educate a girl,
you educate a community.
~African proverb

When Spider Webs Unite They Can Tie Up a Lion
~Ethiopian Proverb

"When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"
~Sydney Harris

"We create our lives a thought at a time. And sometimes, it comes down to changing a thought such as "Why did this happen to me?" into "There is a divine plan and there is a reason for this, and my choice is to create the most positive reaction I can."
~Dee Wallace Stone

It is not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
~Charles Darwin


Christamae said...

Wishing you a blessed and peaceful Easter!
Take care,
Ones Who Care

Karen said...

So very true! Have a great day!
Much love & “Kangaroo hugs & kisses” from your friend Karen

Noi said...

I like these quites especially the one about 'life is hard';)


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