Thursday 31 August 2006

One week to go - feelings etc

This time next week I will have been on my trip for almost twelve hours!!! I wonder where we will be or where we will heading to? Channel Islands I guess or maybe France... I can't think we would get much further afield and get back to Southampton in the time we have.

I am pretty excited but also really nervous. It was really strange today leaving work because I am working tomorrow but won't see any of the others who were there today until I come back from my adventure. What was also really strange was looking at the clock as we were closing (we close at lunchtime on a Weds) and realising it was 1pm and I was due to join the voyage crew exactly one week from then - to the minute.

A thought which pleases and excites me but which also makes me want to break down and cry and maybe even throw up.

1 comment:

Chana said...

my sweet, thank you for the lovely comment i came home to. you are most dear to me and i'm grateful i have met you.
i am most excited for your adventure to come. i can't wait myself. i know it is going to be a thrilling and beautiful experience. you know what you are doing my friend, so don't worry, it will all work out perfect.

hugs always.


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