Tuesday 27 March 2012

Kick in the teeth

Not my usual positive self today. Lots going on, plenty of positive and fun things but also several kicks in the teeth lately.

A very bad fall at the weekend (literally the second worst I've ever had) means I have a really badly bruised and sore arm, knees and other bits. I've no idea how I didn't break something. Access issues that were totally unexpected but could have been avoided with thought on others part forced cancelled plans. And a few small niggles.

There's a sign
On my back
That says
Come to me
Kick me
I'm the target
For all
Disability related

Or so it seems
I'd be on my knees
But I can't do that
I am in my dreams
But that's not
What everyone

I've often
Talked about the good
And sometimes the bad
Maybe not as often as I should
I've tried
To see the best
Whenever I could
Look inside
Look beyond
Try to see
If this is one
Of the times I've lied
And to see that which
I sometimes hide.

♥ Emma

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