Saturday, 17 March 2012

A guide to #Oxfordshire written for #100daysofwriting #ukwriters

This is probably a bit of a cheat today but what the hell.

I was at a training day today for a project I'm helping with. The morning was a writing workshop with the former editor of The Oxford Times. The afternoon was a photography workshop with a professional photographer. It was meant to be you just went to one. But me being me I was cheeky and asked to go to both (as did a couple of other people once I had).

This guide to Oxfordshire was an exercise we did in small groups. The idea was to write roughly 12 sentences to attract visitors to the county. Which i was quite picky about if I'm honest. We didn't get all 12 and I've added to it since getting home.

A guide to Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire is a county in the south of England that is the home of one of the oldest universities in the world. Oxford university has educated 26 British prime ministers including Blair, Cameron, and Thatcher. Arguably the greatest Briton that ever lived Winston Churchill was born in the county at Blenheim Palace. The palace dates from 1705 and was a gift for John Churchill first duke of Marlborough for his victory at the battle of Blenheim. It is home to the current duke of Marlborough and is a world heritage site and popular tourist attraction. Abingdon is said to be the oldest inhabited town in England dating back to 4000 bc. The river Thames runs through that and several other Oxfordshire towns where it's possible to fish and take part in other water activities. Punting is a traditional activity as is the game of Aunt Sally particularly when played in a pub garden on a summers evening. Most of Oxfordshire is rural with beautiful scenery, and country walks which are not to be missed including the Ridgeway.

♥ Emma

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