Thursday 19 August 2010

New Layout!

So... here is my new layout!  What do people think?

I love it!!

My friend Hannah and I went to school together, we recently got back in touch as she joined sailability.  I'm really enjoying being back in touch with her and having a laugh.  Plus she's gotten absolutely hooked on the sailing which you know is something else I love.

Since leaving school she has been diagnosed with a disability and become a wheelchair user.  She has two disabilities, EDS and PoTS and has written two small books using stickman pictures to describe the conditions called "you know you have..."  Plus she's working on a third book "wheelie wisdom" and based on what I've seen of her drawings I think it will be hilarious.

And she drew the wheelie writer in my header image for me.  I'll post it here as well for posterity.

I promised her I would plug her books as a thank you. So: You can see Hannah's books on her website, Stickman Communications and on facebook - check them out.  The website link will remain in my sidebar.  She also has a set of two drawings on facebook about disabled parking which are absolutely hilarious

1 comment:

Posh Totty said...

Love the new lay out the wheelie writer figure is just perfect too :O)


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