Tuesday 16 June 2009

Well I was...

...planning to write a long blog entry about lots of different things and thoughts and feelings and such like.

But I've had a major headache for most of the day and it's only just now properly resolving.   Literally as soon as I decided I was 110% not going sailing tonight it went from feeling better to feeling a lot better.  Which is frustrating but totally the right decision because I'm looking forward to a day out on Friday and I didn't want to push myself and go sailing tonight then not be well enough to do stuff the rest of the week.  Particularly not the barge trip Friday.

So I'm glad I'm feeling better but the whole not pushing myself to do something just in case thing is hard for me to deal with.

I still don't feel like writing a long blog entry though.  So let's just pretend I did.

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