Friday 26 June 2009


One of my goals on my current 101 in 1001 list is to read 100 books in one year.  This is the third year I've attempted to do so through the now defunct 100 Books Club and I hoped that putting on my 101 in 1001 list would make me more likely to achieve it.  It's a goal I'm hoping to get ticked off before the end of the year.  It's looking pretty promising...

I just finished my 50th book of the year.  The list on this blog is out of date and in desperate need of updating (hoping to get to bed in a min but to do that tomorrow) but as of about five minutes ago I've read 50 Books and 15,793 pages this year.

I'm quite overwhelmed by books lately and I've been reading the shorter ones I have so that I can get through them, be more on track with the goal of 100 books and also to drastically reduce the pile thats to be read.  It's worked quite well and I do still have some short ish books to read but I'm looking forward to tackling some longer books when I finish the two I have on the go at the moment (Silas Marner and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, both on my DS).


Flash said...


Jack S. said...

50 book is a lot! How much time do you spend reading per day?


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