Tuesday 14 April 2009

Blogging Against Disablism Day 2009

The 4th Blogging Against Disablism Day will be Friday 1st May 2009.  As always  The Goldfish is hosting and she's posted the explanation and kick off post at http://www.tinyurl.com/disablism.  I suspect that link will change on the day to redirect to the actual BADD hub but don't hold me to that.

I can't believe this will be the 4th year we've done this.  And equally it's strange for me to think that all of my BADD posts are on this blog - as the girl who changed her blog about once a year for most of the time I've been a blogger the fact this blog has been on this domain since May 2006 is kinda huge.  Anyway, tangent I wasn't planning on there.

I feel like I should write something about what BADD is and why it's so important.  But I can't think of anything suitable and chances are if you are reading this you already know.  You can read all of my personal BADD contributions from previous years by clicking on this link.  Equally you can select "BADD" from under the categories menu from any page on this site.

The Goldfish has asked that this gets passed on as much as possible so please repost or retweet or whatever you can.  And I personally would like to see more TAB participants this year if we can.

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