Tuesday, 5 August 2008


I'm travelling up to Rutland Water on Friday to compete in the Sailability Multiclass Regatta this weekend.  It's the first time I've sailed competitively and I'm a little nervous.  But it'll be fine.  It has to be.

Anyway, I just thought I'd look on the BBC website at the five day forecast.  Slight techical hitch in that it didn't recognise Rutland as a place so I went to the sailing club website to get the postcode.  Forecast looks good, light showers on Friday, sunny intervals on Saturday and it has nothing down for Sunday as yet.

But on the front page of that website?  There's a notice about catering on site that weekend and it includes a note of the sailability regatta.  Including the fact they are expecting 140 competitors and volunteers.

Yup.  That's a lot of people.  That's a hell of a lot of people.  In fact, oh my god that's kinda scary.

Still, it'll be an experience - and hopefully, an enjoyable one at that too!

1 comment:

Richard Johnson said...

60 boats entered so far, in 5 different fleets. No need to GULP...they are the nicest people you would ever meet and (usually) very sporting on the water during races.

You'll love it!


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