Saturday 5 April 2008


Dear Russell T Davis and the Torchwood production team,

I. absolutely. LOVED. that last episode.  But seriously, as the last in the series?  Cruel and unusual punishment, that.

Why must you do this to me? Why I ask you?!   WHY?!

I guess we could call that a successful series finale and a brilliant cliffhanger.

But please start series three really soon.  Like tomorrow.  Or in the next five minutes, that would be even better.


1 comment:

Jacqui said...

oh don't tell me. we don't even have anyone here that has agreed to show series 2. one of the commercial networks bought the rights and then put it in the cruelest of time slots, doomed for failure. As they also have the rights to series 2, I think I am delegated to waiting for it to come out on dvd . . .


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