Sunday 30 September 2007

Melting Pot of Links

To celebrate the fact that I upgraded to the latest version of wordpress and not only is it working properly, it's the first time in about six months I've upgraded and not had it go slightly wrong... I thought I would share a few links (because working WP means I can use the VRE and not code the links myself, yay!)

Nelba over at Chocolachillie wrote a post about perspectives to medical care and disability and life in general (I guess).  It's well worth a read.  And it's called Cheap Shoes Always Squeak which is just the best blog post title I have read in, basically, forever.

Kathryn's Ryn Tale's blog is always worth a read.   She makes me think and I like blogs that make me thing.  From The Outside In touches on a topic that I have wanted to write about for a few weeks now but obviously does it much better than I ever could.  Still when I'm over this random viral thing I seem to have I will give it a try.

Pedestrian Hostile held the latest Disability Blog Carnival.  It's theme was Simply The Best (does anyone else get a mad urge to run around the house singing Tina Turner when they read that or is it just me?!).  I need to find some time to read more of the contributions but absolutely loved the ones I read so far.

If someone could tell me the name of the song in Moulin Rouge that goes on about how "We Could Be Heroes" (forever and ever...) I would love them for at least the next day or so.   Because The Goldfish wrote a post of the same name and now I have the song in my head.

1 comment:

Jacqui's Mum in Aus said...

We Can Be Heroes is in the Elephant Love Medley sung by Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman. The song is made up of bits and pieces from several different songs. I just loved that movie and have it on DVD as well as the CD for playing in the car.


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