Thursday 21 December 2006


I really, really hate the term normal but there's only one word for my blood pressure today and that's it!


I was like "hows it gone down that much in a week?!" and Julie just laughed and went "well it has and that's great." Seriously it was 125/95 last thursday and 145/97 ten days before at the gym so I was hoping for 125 ish over 90 ish today. Yay!

As things stand now they are gonna check it on the 15th at 9.50 (written here so I have somewhere to check if I forget when/where!). And if it is still below 90 I will not need to have bloods drawn! Wooo Hoooo!

SIDE NOTE: Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and Soph bought him some Simpsons Slippers. Inside they say Wooooo Hoooo and he looked at it and went "Woa Ho? What's that?!"

1 comment:

Chana said...

a Merry Christmas to you and your family angel. much happiness, health, love and joy to all. God Bless..XO


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