Wednesday, 1 November 2006

NaNo, Card Games and Proud stuff

NaNoWriMo progress so far: 2090 words which means so far I am ahead!

I have a copy of No Plot? No Problem! which is the official guide to NaNo and it has a table which shows the number of words you need to have finished by the end of each day. To be on track at the end of day one you need to have a total word count of 1667. I am around 400 words ahead of that and I'm not really planning to write any more today but still might. So far it seems to be quite dark and I can tell it's going to need quite a lot of editing but I'm enjoying getting back into the pure writing progress and am very pleased with how it's shaping up so far.

Soph called me earlier tonight just to check how you play Strip Jack Naked. That's a card game we play at home sometimes and contrary to it's name there is no stripping or nudity or anything to do with clothes involved at all! I think our cousins used to call it Beg Thy Neighbour. Anyway that was a pretty weird phone call to me! Especially as that's pretty much the only card game I don't need reminding of the rules every time we play (well, that and Donkey!)

I'm a few days behind with proud stuff so here we go...

Sunday I was proud of the fact that I was in my K when we went shopping and I wheeled myself the whole time – about three hours. It’s a long time since I’ve had a decent go out in my manual and it was easy.

Monday I was proud of myself for advocating for myself and finding someone to help each time I couldn’t reach what I wanted in sainsburys.

Yesterday I got some great news and immediately acted on it to ensure that I get the best possible outcome.

Today I went to work and stayed to do training after. Did quite a lot of indepth work on the phones w/ clients and didn’t laugh at the training guy despite wanting too. Given that I was in pain and couldn’t be bothered to be there because of that, the fact I got there at all let alone stayed for extra is something I am proud of.

Some days it's really hard to think of something to be proud of but I still think it's a good exercise and I'll keep it up for a while at least.


Chana said...

well, i'm most proud to wear such a beautiful bracelet made with so much love and care.

i have had compliments everywhere i tell you.

sorry i have missed a few post hon.i had not forgotten about you, i just had a big flare up there..on nice antiinflammatories and of course prednisone whoo-hoo..i am starting to get around again and that means being able to sit up at the i can visit a bit now and then before it gets too sore. i'm in so many narcotics, i am the joke from sesame street, you know: psst, want to buy some drugs? lol..yikes..

i am proud of all of what you listed in your post. glad to see you are trying to find things daily. i hope and pray that this excercise helps you in seeing what my heart knows..that you are an angel.

Chana said...

ps..i send you an email with a pic..okay 2 emails for the first i forgot to attach the pic, lol..hope you got them alrigth..

and once more, thank you for the most lovely bracelet. i honestly love it and wear it with pride.

Jacqui said...

Hi Emma. I'm just catching up on your blog as I actually made a week and a half without a computer. My hubby didn't think that I could do it. Love your proud moments and also that you fit into your smaller jeans. If I can fit into my skinny jeans at the end of this pregnancy, i will never have a chocolate bar again.


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