Friday 2 June 2006

Happy Families

I received a reminder today that whilst my family might get annoyed with each other, we might have times we can't stand to be together and we aren't often all in the same place - I am lucky to have the family I do.

Yes, with certain parts of our extended family there are feelings there it would be better if there weren't But I have an immediate family to be extremely happy with. They might stress me out, tease me, make me wish we weren't related at times or do any of ten thousand things... but they are there to celebrate the good times and cheer me on. And if I really needed them, if things were really bad they would be there as I would for them. I'd forgotten that not everyone has that.

I am blessed that I do.

1 comment:

Chana said...

so basically you have described 'having a family' and all that it means...i think we can all agree pretty much with all you have said here...again...we are Blessed to have the ones we have...blood relatives and me, i have you and i'm extremely glad...thank you.
thank you for your love and your caring of me..thank you for those words in the comment that made me feel safe and joyful...


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